Fixed Income

We implement a top-down analytical approach focused on actively managing portfolio duration risk, yield curve positioning, market segment allocation, and active security selection.

Our fixed income solutions include both taxable and tax-exempt strategies that serve clients’ needs across the maturity spectrum. We also build custom fixed income strategies designed to help our liability-focused clients efficiently accomplish their unique goals and objectives.

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Taxable Strategies

We offer a suite of taxable fixed income strategies across the maturity spectrum ranging from cash management to diversified core portfolios. Each strategy is managed through a top-down investment approach designed to deliver strong risk-adjusted returns. The investment team works within established constraints to maintain broad diversification while implementing each strategy with highly liquid cash bonds that pass our strict credit and structural analysis.

Tax-Exempt Strategies

Our tax-exempt fixed income portfolios are designed to meet a wide array of client objectives and can be customized based on quality and state preference. The key to our municipal investment process is avoiding exposure to investments which are not supported by strong fundamentals, as well as issues that reside in regions with clear macro and fiscal risks.

Featured Insights

Fixed Income

Fixed Income Investment Strategy — June 2024

June 4, 2024 -- Fixed Income Investment Strategy provides an overview of Sage's market outlook and sector positioning.

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Fixed Income

Fixed Income Perspectives — June 2024

June 24, 2024 -- This presentation provides an overview of our market outlook and key themes, and it illustrates how Sage is positioned in the current environment.

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Municipal Fixed Income

Municipal Fixed Income Perspectives — June 2024

June 12, 2024 -- This presentation provides an overview of our municipal market outlook and key themes, and it illustrates how Sage is positioned in the current environment.

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