Retirement Plans

We craft custom solutions for liability-focused retirement plans with offerings that include asset/liability analysis, asset allocation guidance, and liability-hedging strategies.

LDI Strategies

We build custom LDI strategies designed to match the liability profile, goals, and risk tolerance of the plan sponsor. Our research professionals produce robust asset/liability analysis and interact daily with our portfolio management team to ensure successful implementation of tailored portfolios. Our LDI investment process is rooted in actual market conditions and guided by a strong risk management discipline.

Learn more about retirement plans


Cash Balance Strategies

We craft custom institutional solutions for large Cash Balance Plans and offer scalable separate account strategies for startup and smaller plans. The scalable strategies, which are implemented with ETFs, are designed and managed to meet common Cash Balance Plan objectives including principal protection, common interest crediting rate targets and an awareness of the annual investment horizon.



Cash Balance CITs

Cash Balance Collective Investment Trusts (CITs) offer plans efficient access to investment solutions designed and managed to meet common Cash Balance Plan objectives.

Featured Insights


5 Reasons to Add Cash Balance Plans to Your Toolkit

Cash Balance Plans are a type of tax qualified retirement plan that allow business owners to make large tax deductible contributions . . .

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Practical Tips for Public Pension Plans

Although not all public pensions are poorly funded, the average public plan’s funded ratio is still well below its pre-financial crisis level . . .

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Sage Cash Balance Performance Commentary 2Q24

July 24, 2024 -- This quarterly research piece provides portfolio positioning and commentary for the Sage Cash Balance Strategies.

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