Asset/Liability Quarterly Monitor 4Q22

January 19, 2023 — This piece evaluates the asset and liability performance of a Sample Pension Plan that maintains an asset allocation of 60% S&P 500, 5% MSCI EAFE, 30% Bloomberg Aggregate Bond, and 5% Cash. Liabilities returns are calculated using both the FTSE Pension Liability Index (Corporate) and a flat 7% ROA (Public/Multi-Employer).

  • DATE: January 19, 2023
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Fixed Income

Party City — Is the Party Over for the US Consumer?

January 18, 2023 -- Party City, a popular retailer of party supplies and decorations, has filed for bankruptcy. While Sage was not involved in Party City bonds . . .

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Tactical ETF

Asset Allocation Perspectives, January 2023

January 18, 2023 -- The following presentation outlines the current economic conditions, policy response and valuations, as well as how Sage is tactically positioned.

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Tactical ETF

Tactical Investment Strategy, January 2023

January 12, 2023 -- This report illustrates major investing themes, Sage's asset class views, and portfolio positioning.

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