Sage Evaluates 11 GICS Sectors for ESG Risks and Opportunities

January 16, 2024 — In this semiannual report, we provide ESG Leaf Scores for each of the 11 sectors in the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS). We highlight each sector’s most relevant financially material factors, as well as the industries within each sector that we consider to be ESG leaders or laggards.

  • DATE: January 16, 2024
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Responsible Investing

2023 Sustainability Report

January 16, 2024 -- Sage’s 2023 Sustainability Report provides an in-depth look at our company’s unwavering commitment to sustainability. The report illustrates our . . .

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Fixed Income

Fed Focus Shifts to Growth Picture — Fixed Income Outlook in 5 Charts

January 12, 2024 -- Declining inflation through the second half of 2023 has given the Fed the green light to pivot to the other side of their dual mandate: economic growth.

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Responsible Investing

Sage Scores Above Peer Group in 2023 Annual PRI Assessment

January 10, 2024 -- Since 2017, Sage has been a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the world’s largest network of investors that work to . . .

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