Sage Stewardship Policy

This report outlines Sage’s approach to stewardship, including our engagement policy and commitment to industry initiatives. Sage’s Stewardship Policy represents current practices in how the company carries out its commitment to act in the best interest of its clients while finding the best ESG investments for them.

  • DATE: January 12, 2023
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Responsible Investing

Responsible Investing Compendium

June 1, 2024 -- The following is a comprehensive list of Sage’s research pieces segmented by subject category, including environmental, social, governance . . .

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ESG Solutions

2022 Sustainability Report

January 24, 2023 -- Sage’s 2022 Sustainability Report provides an in-depth look at our company’s ongoing commitment to sustainability. The report illustrates our . . .

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ESG Solutions

Sage Responsible Investment Policy

This report outlines Sage’s Responsible Investment and Governance policies, including the responsibilities of both the ESG Investment Committee and ESG Research & Risk . . .

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