
Our commitment to delivering thoughtful research and insights has a pragmatic purpose. The more a client knows, the more he or she can stay on plan during volatile and uncertain market environments.

Municipal Fixed Income
Municipal Fixed Income Perspectives — July 2024
July 15, 2024 — This presentation provides an overview of our municipal market outlook and key themes, and it illustrates how Sage is positioned in. . . .
Fixed Income
Fixed Income Investment Strategy — July 2024
July 8, 2024 — Fixed Income Investment Strategy provides an overview of Sage’s market outlook and sector positioning. Market Outlook Indicators across employment, inflation, and. . . .
ESG Solutions
ESG Asset Allocation Conservative Strategy Profile 2Q24
Sage offers a suite of ESG investment solutions that include taxable fixed income, tax-exempt fixed income and global equity mandates.
ESG Solutions
ESG Core Plus Fixed Income Strategy Profile 2Q24
Sage offers a suite of ESG investment solutions that include taxable fixed income, tax-exempt fixed income and global equity mandates.
ESG Solutions
ESG Asset Allocation Growth Strategy Profile 2Q24
Sage offers a suite of ESG investment solutions that include taxable fixed income, tax-exempt fixed income and global equity mandates.
ESG Solutions
ESG Global Equity Strategy Profile 2Q24
Sage offers a suite of ESG investment solutions that include taxable fixed income, tax-exempt fixed income and global equity mandates.
Responsible Investing
Municipal Impact Bond Strategy Profile 2Q24
Sage offers a suite of ESG investment solutions that include taxable fixed income, tax-exempt fixed income and global equity mandates.
ESG Solutions
ESG Short Term Fixed Income Strategy Profile 2Q24
Sage offers a suite of ESG investment solutions that include taxable fixed income, tax-exempt fixed income and global equity mandates.
ESG Solutions
ESG Intermediate Fixed Income Strategy Profile 2Q24
Sage offers a suite of ESG investment solutions that include taxable fixed income, tax-exempt fixed income and global equity mandates.