Strong Returns for 2023 Distinguish Sage Impact Bond Strategy

January 25, 2024 — The Sage Impact Bond Strategy is a portfolio of green, social, sustainability, and sustainability-linked bonds. The following report highlights trends in the impact bond market and the Sage portfolio’s performance and composition, including the top use of proceeds and alignment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • DATE: January 25, 2024
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ESG Solutions

Sage Evaluates 11 GICS Sectors for ESG Risks and Opportunities

January 16, 2024 -- In this semiannual report, we provide ESG Leaf Scores for each of the 11 sectors in the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS). We highlight . . .

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Responsible Investing

2023 Sustainability Report

January 16, 2024 -- Sage’s 2023 Sustainability Report provides an in-depth look at our company’s unwavering commitment to sustainability. The report illustrates our . . .

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Tactical ETF

ESG ETF Model Portfolios: Performance Commentary 4Q23

January 14, 2024 -- This one-page report details what contributed to and detracted from performance for the Sage ESG ETF Model Portfolios in the fourth quarter. . . .

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